メニュー:[ トップ, 英語発表論文, 日本語発表論文, ソフトウェア, 講演, 講義, 履歴書, 東大の研究室, 理研AIPセンター ]
[ English | Japanese ]


  1. 2024/5/13
    ICRA2024 Workshop --- Back to the Future: Robot Learning Going Probabilistic, Yokohama, Japan.
    Learning under continuous distribution shifts.

  2. 2024/3/18
    Deep Learning: Theory, Applications, and Implications, Tokyo, Japan.
    Importance-weighting approach to distribution shift adaptation.

  3. 2024/3/8
    The Machine Learning Summer School, Okinawa, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: An empirical risk minimization approach.

  4. 2024/2/28
    The 12th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, High 1 Resort, Korea (online participation).
    Overcoming continuous distribution shifts: Challenges in online machine learning.

  5. 2024/1/8
    Deep Learning Down Under Workshop, Lorne, Australia.
    Learning under distribution shifts.

  6. 2023/12/26
    The 1st Japan-Korea Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  7. 2023/12/8
    University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  8. 2023/11/28
    SDGs企業戦略フォーラム, 東京.

  9. 2023/11/23
    International Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning, Tokyo, Japan.

  10. 2023/11/21
    東京大学UTokyo ARCサロン, 東京.

  11. 2023/11/17
    International Conference on Machine Learning Physics, Kyoto, Japan.
    Towards trustworthy machine learning from weakly supervised, noisy, and biased data.

  12. 2023/11/9
    Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  13. 2023/10/27
    東京大学柏キャンパス一般公開, オンライン.

  14. 2023/10/24
    ipi-ダイキン シンポジウム, 東京.

  15. 2023/10/10
    市民大学東京大学EMP特別講座, 茨城.

  16. 2023/9/29
    The 7th ZIB-IMI-ISM-NUS-RIKEN-MODAL Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
    Classification from positive and unlabeled data and its application in audio signal enhancement.

  17. 2023/9/26
    Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning, Torun, Poland.
    Recent advances in reliable machine learning: Weakly supervised classification.

  18. 2023/9/22-23
    Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning Workshop, Cambridge, UK.
    Learning under continuous distribution shifts.

  19. 2023/9/18
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  20. 2023/9/13
    Cornell Tech, New York City, New York, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  21. 2023/9/12
    Columbia Univeristy, New York City, New York, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  22. 2023/9/8
    University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  23. 2023/9/7
    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  24. 2023/9/5
    University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
    Machine learning from weak, noisy, and biased supervision.

  25. 2023/8/9
    Conference on Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning, Tokyo, Japan.
    Importance-weighting approach to distribution shift adaptation.

  26. 2023/8/3
    創造性の育成塾, 東京.

  27. 2023/7/29
    DMLR Workshop: Data-centric Machine Learning Research, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
    Coping with wild distribution shifts: Continuous shift, joint shift, and beyond.

  28. 2023/7/18
    Keynote talk at Korean Artificial Intelligence Association Summer Conference 2023, online (Yeosu, Korea).
    Towards trustworthy machine learning.

  29. 2023/7/5
    Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation and the European Conference on Data Analysis (DSSV-ECDA2023), Antwerp, Belgium.
    Towards reliable machine learning.

  30. 2023/7/3
    UCL Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, London, UK.
    Towards reliable machine learning.

  31. 2023/6/30
    Heilbronn Colloquia, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
    Towards reliable machine learning.

  32. 2023/6/26
    Distinguished Lecture: 60 Years of Computer Science and AI, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
    Towards reliable machine learning.

  33. 2023/6/21
    2023 Workshop on Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Trento, Italy.
    Recent advances in supervised classification from noisy labels.

  34. 2023/6/19
    Keynote talk at 5th ACNS Workshop on Security in Machine Learning and its Applications (SiMLA2023), online.
    Towards trustworthy machine learning from weakly supervised, noisy, and biased data.

  35. 2023/6/17
    日本メディカルAI 学会学術集会, 東京.

  36. 2023/6/17
    Good Life on Earth説明会, 東京.

  37. 2023/6/8
    招待講演, 人工知能学会全国大会, 熊本.

  38. 2023/6/6
    九州大学大学院システム情報科学研究院, 大阪.

  39. 2023/6/5
    基調講演, 応用物理学会関西支部講演会, 大阪.

  40. 2023/6/5
    大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科, 大阪.

  41. 2023/5/2
    Keynote talk at Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR2023), Kigali, Rwanda.
    Importance-weighting approach to distribution shift adaptation.

  42. 2023/4/24
    Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
    Adapting to distribution shifts: Recent advances in importance weighting methods.

  43. 2023/4/20
    Japan-Vietnam AI Forum, Hanoi, Vietnam
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP
    Recent advances in distribution shift adaptation: An importance-weighting approach.

  44. 2023/3/29
    Vector Institute & RIKEN AIP Joint Symposium on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, online.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.

  45. 2023/3/29
    「東大の研究室をのぞいてみよう!~多様な学生を東大に~」プログラム, オンライン.
    コンピュータはどこまで賢くなれるのかー 機械学習による挑戦 ー.

  46. 2023/3/28
    2022年度AIPシンポジウム成果報告会, オンライン.

  47. 2023/3/25
    Workshop on Machine Learning Theory and Foundations, online.
    Adapting to distribution shifts: Recent advances in importance weighting methods.

  48. 2023/3/23
    RIKEN-AIP & A*STAR-CFAR Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.

  49. 2023/3/20
    RIKEN-AIP & PRAIRIE Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.
    Transfer learning.

  50. 2023/3/15
    Panel discussion at Conference on Optimization and Machine Learning in Industry, Nürnberg, Germany.
    Insights :What happened in Waischenfeld? What are our AI topics of the future.

  51. 2023/3/13
    Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, Waischenfeld, Germany.
    Importance-weighting approach to distribution shift adaptation.

  52. 2023/3/10
    EPFL-CIS & RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Lausanne, Switzerland.
    Noise robust classification.

  53. 2023/3/6
    ETH Zurich Distinguished Computer Science Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland.
    Robust machine learning from weakly-supervised, noisy-labeled, and biased data.

  54. 2023/3/2
    Developing Minds Global Lecture Series, online.
    Theory and Algorithm towards Reliable Machine Learning.

  55. 2023/2/17
    第3回 Beyond AI 研究推進機構 国際シンポジウム, 東京大学, 東京.

  56. 2023/2/17
    日本学術会議公開シンポジウム:数理・データサイエンス・AI時代における統計科学の教育及び研究について, オンライン.

  57. 2023/1/24
    Data Conversations, IBM Research Bangalore, online.
    Improving robustness in data centric machine learning.

  58. 2023/1/18
    Responsible AI Series, Microsoft Research Asia, online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  59. 2023/1/12
    Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM), online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  60. 2022/12/16
    A*STAR CFAR / RIKEN-AIP Workshop, online.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.

  61. 2022/12/12
    ACML2022 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning, online.
    Welcome to the Weakly Supervised Learning Workshop.

  62. 2022/11/28
    Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  63. 2022/11/19
    脳の世紀推進会議, オンライン.

  64. 2022/11/4
    東京大学エグゼクティブ・マネジメント・プログラム, オンライン.

  65. 2022/10/21
    東京大学柏キャンパス一般公開, オンライン.

  66. 2022/10/20
    CIKM2022 Tutorial on Learning and Mining with Noisy Labels, online.
    Overview of learning and mining with noisy labels.

  67. 2022/10/19
    The 2nd Innovation Forum on Intelligent Computing, online.
    Robust machine learning from weak supervision, noisy labels, and beyond.

  68. 2022/10/9
    トヨタ・モビリティ基金「Good Life on Earth」, 東京.

  69. 2022/10/5
    KOFST-AI Future Forum Joint Webinar, online.
    AI Research in Japan: Challenges of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  70. 2022/9/27
    PRAIRIE, Paris, France.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  71. 2022/9/26
    Hi! Paris, Palaiseau, France.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  72. 2022/9/23
    Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  73. 2022/9/22
    Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany.
    Robust machine learning from weakly-supervised, noisy-labeled, and biased data.

  74. 2022/9/19
    Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
    Machine learning from weak supervision, noisy labels, and beyond.

  75. 2022/9/17
    The 6th RIKEN-IMI-ISM-NUS-ZIB-MODAL-NHR Workshop on Advances in Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Optimization and Machine Learning, Tokyo, Japan.
    Recent advances in machine learning from noisy labels.

  76. 2022/9/14
    FIT2022船井業績賞記念講演, 横浜.

  77. 2022/9/7
    AIP Inter-Group Collaboration Seminars, online.
    Weakly supervised classification.

  78. 2022/8/9
    バイオインダストリー協会「宮田満のバイオ・アメイジング~緊急対談:バイオのあの話題はこれからどうなる?!」, オンライン.

  79. 2022/8/1
    創造性の育成塾, 東京.

  80. 2022/7/30
    第41回日本医用画像工学会大会, 名古屋.

  81. 2022/7/29
    名古屋大学工学研究科機械システム工学専攻竹内一郎研究室, 名古屋.

  82. 2022/7/20
    第12回理研イノベーションセミナー, オンライン.
    次世代機械学習技術によるSociety 5.0の実現へ.

  83. 2022/7/7
    東京大学大学院全学共通講義エグゼクティブ・プログラム24, 東京.

  84. 2022/7/4
    International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2022, online.
    Recent advances in classification from noisy labels.

  85. 2022/6/23
    Morgan Stanley, online.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: An empirical risk minimization approach.

  86. 2022/6/3
    東京大学エグゼクティブ・マネジメント・プログラム, オンライン.

  87. 2022/3/28
    「東大の研究室をのぞいてみよう!~多様な学生を東大に~」プログラム, オンライン.

  88. 2022/3/28
    清泉女学院中学高等学校 第5回AI倫理会議, オンライン.

  89. 2022/3/25
    2021年度AIPシンポジウム成果報告会, オンライン.

  90. 2022/3/9
    A*STAR-CFAR Distinguished Professor Lecture Series 1, online.
    From fundamental machine learning to data-driven science and AI in society: Research at RIKEN-AIP.

  91. 2022/2/24
    外務省科学技術外交セミナー, オンライン.

  92. 2022/2/18
    東京大学エグゼクティブ・マネジメント・プログラム, オンライン.

  93. 2022/2/18
    Hong Kong Baptist University Distinguished Lecture Series 2021/22, online.
    Challenges in machine learning research.

  94. 2022/2/17
    2022 AIデータ活用シンポジウム, オンライン.

  95. 2022/1/29
    理研AIP-数理女子ジョイントセミナー, オンライン.

  96. 2021/12/17
    National University of Singapore, CDMLS Seminar Series, online.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: An empirical risk minimization approach.

  97. 2021/12/14
    NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Distribution Shifts: Connecting Methods and Applications, online.
    Importance weighting for transfer learning.

  98. 2021/12/13
    NeurIPS Meetup Tokyo 2021, online.

  99. 2021/12/8
    Keynote talk at IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM2021), online.
    Towards robust machine learning: Weak supervision, noisy labels, and beyond.

  100. 2021/12/1
    JST-理研 合同AIP公開シンポジウム, オンライン.

  101. 2021/11/25
    理研シンポジウム, オンライン.

  102. 2021/11/22
    The 7.5th International Symposium on Dialogue for Global Innovation, online.
    Towards robust and reliable machine learning.

  103. 2021/11/17
    ACML2021 Tutorial on Learning under Noisy Supervision, online.
    Overview of learning with noisy supervision.

  104. 2021/11/17
    ACML2021 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning, online.
    Welcome to the Weakly Supervised Learning Workshop.

  105. 2021/11/1
    First International Workshop on Learning to Quantify: Methods and Applications (LQ2021) at CIKM2021, online.
    Mixture proportion estimation in weakly supervised learning.

  106. 2021/10/29
    AI・人工知能EXPO【秋】, 東京.

  107. 2021/10/22
    東京大学柏キャンパス一般公開, オンライン.

  108. 2021/10/11
    Japan Conference Series presented by the University of Luxembourg and the Embassy of Japan: Part 2, online.
    AI research in Japan: Challenges at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  109. 2021/10/13
    EPFL CIS - RIKEN AIP Joint Seminar Series, online.
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  110. 2021/9/28
    5th ZIB-RIKEN-IMI-ISM MODAL Workshop on Optimization, Data Analysis and HPC in AI, online.
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  111. 2021/9/23
    東京大学エグゼクティブ・マネジメント・プログラム, 東京.

  112. 2021/9/21
    Artificial Intelligence, a collaboration opportunity between Japan & Europe, online.
    AI research in Japan: Challenges at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  113. 2021/8/27
    VinAI Research: AI Day 2021, online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  114. 2021/8/21
    IJCAI2021 Weakly Supervised Representation Learning Workshop (WSRL2021), online.
    Introduction to weakly supervised representation learning.

  115. 2021/8/20
    International Workshop on Federated and Transfer Learning for Data Sparsity and Confidentiality in Conjunction with IJCAI2021 (FTL-IJCAI2021), online.
    Rethinking importance weighting for transfer learning.

  116. 2021/8/20
    IJCAI2021 Tutorial on Learning with Noisy Supervision, online.
    Overview of learning with noisy supervision.

  117. 2021/8/11
    創造性の育成塾, オンライン.

  118. 2021/7/30
    東京大学エグゼクティブ・マネジメント・プログラム, オンライン.

  119. 2021/7/20
    理化学研究所 情報統合本部キックオフシンポジウム, オンライン.

  120. 2021/7/13
    Japan House London, online.
    AI Research in Japan: Challenges at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  121. 2021/6/30
    超教育協会 第52回オンラインシンポ, オンライン.

  122. 2021/3/25
    COVID19 日韓学術ウェビナー <日韓のコロナ対応, その違いと協力の可能性: 非対面社会の生・老・病・死を中心に>, オンライン.

  123. 2021/3/23
    2020年度AIPシンポジウム成果報告会, オンライン.

  124. 2021/3/15
    First Australia-Japan Workshop on Machine Learning (AJML2020), online.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP: machine learning research in Japan.

  125. 2021/1/13
    IRCN Salon Seminar, online
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  126. 2021/1/8
    Virtual Tea Hour at University College London, online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  127. 2020/12/23
    7th AIP Open Seminar, online.
    Overview of Imperfect Information Learning Team.

  128. 2020/12/6
    NeurIPS Meetup Japan 2020, online.

  129. 2020/12/5
    Keynote talk at The International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (ICPAI2020), online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  130. 2020/12/2
    東京大学卓越大学院プログラムFoPM 4PMセミナー, オンライン.

  131. 2020/11/30
    人工知能サミット2020, オンライン.

  132. 2020/11/26-27
    World Intellectual Manufacturing Conference, Nanjing, China.
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  133. 2020/11/25-27
    LINE DEVELOPER DAY 2020, オンライン.

  134. 2020/11/20
    APNNS/IEEE Education Forum Series: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Winter School 2020 (DLAI4), online.
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  135. 2020/11/18
    ACML2020 Weakly-supervised Representation Learning Workshop, online.
    Welcome to the Weakly-supervised Representation Learning Workshop.
    Challenges in weakly-supervised representation learning.

  136. 2020/10/20
    電子情報通信学会IBISML研究会オーガナイズセッション「ロバスト機械学習」, オンライン.

  137. 2020/10/10
    International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2020, online.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  138. 2020/9/22
    KAIST, online.
    Robust machine learning for reliable deployment.

  139. 2020/9/11
    生産技術研究奨励会 バイオ・マイクロ・ナノテク研究会, オンライン.

  140. 2020/8/22
    第133回サイテックサロン, オンライン.

  141. 2020/6/30
    NAVER, online,
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  142. 2020/6/10
    第26回画像センシングシンポジウム, オンライン.

  143. 2020/5/15
    Booking.com Seminar, online,
    Machine learning from weak supervision: Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  144. 2020/2/21
    滋賀大学データサイエンスキャンパスフォーラム, 京都.

  145. 2019/1/28
    AIアカデミックフオーラム2020, 東京.

  146. 2019/12/25
    情報系 WINTER FESTA Episode 5, 東京.
    Introduction to RIKEN-AIP.

  147. 2019/12/21
    IRCN-THUAI (International Research Center for Neurointelligence at The University of Tokyo-The Tsinghua University Institute for Artificial Intelligence) Workshop, Tokyo, Japan.
    Human-assited machine learning.

  148. 2019/12/9
    Panel discussion at NeurIPS Group Session (NewInML2019), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
    Advice for newcomers to machine learning.

  149. 2019/11/29
    AIデータ活用シンポジウム2019, 東京.

  150. 2019/11/23
    130回東京大学公開講座「予測できる未来と、予測できない未来」, 東京.

  151. 2019/11/21
    GHELIA EXPO TOKYO 2020, 東京.

  152. 2019/11/17
    ACML2019 Weakly-Supervised Learning Workshop, Nagoya, Japan.
    Welcome to ACML2019 Weakly-Supervised Learning Workshop.

  153. 2019/11/17
    ACML2019 Workshop on RIKEN-AIP Research, Nagoya, Japan.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  154. 2019/11/12
    Conference on Data Science at The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  155. 2019/11/1
    名工大テクノフェア2019, 名古屋.

  156. 2019/10/19
    Plenary talk at International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE 2019), Nanjing, China.
    Weakly supervised classification: Towards accurate machine learning with low labeling costs.

  157. 2019/9/24-25
    Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Workshop, Genova, Italy.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification and robust machine learning.

  158. 2019/9/20
    University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  159. 2019/9/19
    UK-Japan Robotics and AI Research Collaboration Workshop, London, UK.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  160. 2019/9/17
    UK-Japan Robotics and AI Research Collaboration Workshop, Edinburgh, UK.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification and robust machine learning.

  161. 2019/9/11
    Zuse Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification and robust machine learning.

  162. 2019/9/9
    Joint Workshop of BBDC, BZML and RIKEN AIP, Berlin, Germany.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised learning.

  163. 2019/9/4
    第29回日本神経回路学会全国大会(JNNS2019), 東京.

  164. 2019/9/4
    日経産業新聞フォーラム「AI WORLD 〜最先端AIテクノロジーがもたらす日本のビジネス変革〜」, 東京.

  165. 2019/6/25
    AI Summer School (KBYOYO2019), Istanbul, Turkey.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  166. 2019/6/2
    PAIR-AIP Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.
    Weakly supervised classification and reliable machine learning: overview of our recent advances.

  167. 2019/5/28
    IDIAP, Martigny, Switzerland.
    Recent advances in weakly-supervised and robust machine learning.

  168. 2019/5/27
    AI Experts Workshop & AI for Good Global Summit, Geneva, Switzerland.
    Recent advances in weakly-supervised and robust machine learning.

  169. 2019/3/25
    4th Workshop on Optimization and Statistical Learning, Les Houches, France.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  170. 2019/3/23
    The First IRCN Course in Neuro-Inspired Computation, Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision: Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  171. 2019/3/20
    人間知能(HI)と人工知能(AI)の出会いが生み出すニューロインテリジェンス(NI)共通基盤の可能性:ファッションから見るその未来, 東京.

  172. 2019/3/15-16
    IIT-H and RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications, Hyderabad, India.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.
    Weakly supervised classification and robust learning: overview of our recent advances.

  173. 2019/3/7-9
    The 1st SJTU CS - RIKEN AIP Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Brain-like Intelligence, Shanghai, China.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.
    Weakly supervised classification, robust learning and more: overview of our recent advances.

  174. 2019/2/22-24
    The Second Korea-Japan Machine Learning Workshop, Jeju, Korea.
    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification, robust learning and more: overview of our recent advances.

  175. 2018/12/25
    情報系 WINTER FESTA Episode 4, 東京.
    Introduction to RIKEN-AIP.

  176. 2018/12/18
    データ分離問題の基礎と新展開, 東京.

  177. 2018/12/14
    Plenary talk at The 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), Siem Reap, Cambodia.
    Machine learning from weak supervision---Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  178. 2018/12/12
    大阪大学医学部, 大阪.

  179. 2018/11/30
    LINK-J×東北大学ネットワーキング・ナイト, 東京.

  180. 2018/11/19
    The First Japan-Israel Machine Learning Meeting (JIML2018), Ramat Gan, Israel.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification.

  181. 2018/11/13
    第4回 Pitch to the Minister 懇談会“HIRAI Pitch”, 東京.

  182. 2018/11/2
    Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Weakly supervised classification.

  183. 2018/10/31
    Tutorial at Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL2018), Zurich, Switzerland.
    Machine learning from weak supervision---Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  184. 2018/10/24
    奈良先端大東京フォーラム2018, 東京.

  185. 2018/10/22
    東京工業大学超スマート社会コンソーシアム設立記念式典, 東京.

  186. 2018/10/20
    電子情報通信学会 パターン認識・メディア理解研究会 PRMUフェロー記念講演, 横浜.
    限られた情報からの機械学習: これまでの発展と今後の展望.

  187. 2018/10/19
    CEATEC JAPAN 2018, 千葉.

  188. 2018/10/18
    新三木会第99回講演会, 東京.

  189. 2018/9/24
    NUS SoC - RIKEN AIP Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore.
    Introduction of RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  190. 2018/9/19
    Plenary talk at International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC2018), Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision---Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  191. 2018/9/13
    Korea-Japan Symposium on the 4th Industrial Revolution, Seoul, Korea.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  192. 2018/8/10
    Keynote talk at The 1st China Computer Federation - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CCF-ICAI2018), Jinan, China.
    Recent advances in robust machine learning.

  193. 2018/7/28
    トップリーダーと学ぶワークショップ, 東京.

  194. 2018/7/26
    日本神経科学大会, 神戸.

  195. 2018/7/24
    IRCN Symposium on Frontiers of Neurointelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
    Recent advances in machine learning research and beyond.

  196. 2018/7/23
    Workshop on Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning, Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  197. 2018/7/18
    ZMPフォーラム, 東京.

  198. 2018/7/9
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  199. 2018/6/28
    International Conference Ubiquitous Robots (UR2018), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  200. 2018/6/22
    東工大ITクラブ・蔵前ITコミュニティ合同セミナー, 東京.

  201. 2018/6/18
    National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
    AI research in Japan: RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  202. 2018/6/6
    Machine Intelligence Summit, Hong Kong, China.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  203. 2018/6/5
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  204. 2018/5/30
    慶應義塾大学メディカルAIセンター, 東京

  205. 2018/5/22
    奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 奈良.

  206. 2018/5/17
    日本ソフトウェア科学会 機械学習工学研究会 キックオフシンポジウム, 東京.

  207. 2018/5/4
    University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  208. 2018/4/27
    Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, Canada.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  209. 2018/4/26
    Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, Montreal, Canada.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  210. 2018/4/6
    Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  211. 2018/3/29
    NISTEP専門家ワークショップ, 東京.

  212. 2018/3/14
    理研科学者会議, 東京.

  213. 2018/3/9
    フロンティアサロン財団, 東京.

  214. 2018/3/6
    1st Transatlantic-Transpacific Workshop on Machine Learning and Discrete Optimization 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    Introduction of RIKEN-AIP.

  215. 2018/2/19
    GA Technologies, 東京.

  216. 2018/2/15
    理研と未来を創る会, 東京.

  217. 2018/2/15
    CREST-EMS第9回領域会議, 東京.

  218. 2018/1/24
    理化学研究所・産業技術総合研究所 合同シンポジウム, 東京.

  219. 2018/1/24
    大阪倶楽部定例午餐会, 大阪.

  220. 2018/1/13
    第5回日本腎臓研究会, 東京.

  221. 2018/1/2
    Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  222. 2017/12/21
    第18回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 仙台.

  223. 2017/12/20
    東京医科歯科大学, 東京.

  224. 2017/12/16
    第11回健康医療開発機構シンポジウム, 東京.

  225. 2017/11/24
    人工知能学会 合同研究会2017, 神奈川.

  226. 2017/11/23
    LG Electronics, Seoul, Korea.
    AI research in Japan: RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  227. 2017/11/23
    Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
    Machine learning from weak supervision---Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  228. 2017/11/22
    ZDNet Korea Asia Tech Summit 2017 (ATS 2017), Seoul, Korea.
    AI research in Japan: RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  229. 2017/11/15
    The First International Workshop on Machine Learning for Artificial Intelligence Platform (MLAIP2017), Seoul, Korea.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  230. 2017/11/14
    Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea.
    Machine learning from weak supervision---Towards accurate classification with low labeling costs.

  231. 2017/11/3
    理化学研究所 科学講演会「理研百年-新たなる百年へ-」, 東京.

  232. 2017/10/15
    Keynote talk at The 28th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT2017) and the 20th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2017), Kyoto, Japan.
    Machine Learning from Weak Supervision: Towards Accurate Classification with Low Labeling Costs.

  233. 2017/10/14
    Denso AI Tech. Seminar 2017, 東京.

  234. 2017/10/4
    バイオサイエンスデータベースセンター トーゴーの日本シンポジウム2017, 東京.

  235. 2017/10/4
    情報計算化学生物学会2017年大会, 東京.

  236. 2017/10/2
    STS Forum, Kyoto, Japan.
    Big data.

  237. 2017/9/25

  238. Rouen Machine Learning Workshop, Rouen, France.
    Classification from weak supervision.
    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP).

  239. 2017/9/21-22

  240. France-Japan Machine Learning Workshop, Paris, France.
    AI Research in Japan and RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP).
    Classification from weak supervision.

  241. 2017/9/11
    土木学会全国大会, 福岡.

  242. 2017/9/7
    ワークスアプリケーションズEarly Bird Session for Presidents, 東京.
    人工知能ファーストの時代 -ディープラーニングの先を目指して-.

  243. 2017/9/4
    台日科学技術フォーラム, Taipei, Taiwan.

  244. 2017/8/17
    Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
    Machine Learning from weak supervision.

  245. 2017/8/14
    University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
    Machine Learning from weak supervision.

  246. 2017/7/27
    Pharma AI Forum, 東京.
    理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター (AIP)の取り組み.

  247. 2017/7/27
    情報処理学会連続セミナー2017第2回, 東京.

  248. 2017/7/23
    Keynote talk at Chinese Congress on Artificial Intelligence (CCAI2017), Hangzhou, China.
    Recent advances in machine learning from weak supervision.

  249. 2017/7/10
    日本医療研究開発機構, 東京.

  250. 2017/7/7
    Keynote talk at International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL2017), Nagoya, Japan.
    Classification from limited supervision.

  251. 2017/6/28
    Berlin Deep Learning Workshop, Berlin, Germany.
    Learning from weak supervision.

  252. 2017/6/22
    Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
    AI research in Japan: RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  253. 2017/5/26
    原総合知的通信システム基金主催特別セミナー, 東京.

  254. 2017/5/24
    野村證券, 東京.

  255. 2017/5/22
    第2回次世代の人工知能技術に関する合同シンポジウム, 大阪.

  256. 2017/5/18
    富士通フォーラム2017, 東京.

  257. 2017/5/18
    富士通フォーラム2017, 東京.

  258. 2017/5/17
    Link-J: AI x Life Science シンポジウム, 東京.

  259. 2017/5/16
    電子情報技術産業協会, 東京.

  260. 2017/5/11
    Gatsby-Kaken Joint Workshop on AI and Neuroscience, London, UK.
    Classification from weak supervision.

  261. 2017/4/27
    慶應義塾大学大学院特別講義, 神奈川.

  262. 2017/4/25
    早稲田大学第2回WIRPワークショップ, 東京.

  263. 2017/4/25
    Roundtable Discussion on AI at the Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo, Japan.
    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP).

  264. 2017/4/18
    公明党 新産業委員会, 東京.

  265. 2017/4/6
    灘高等学校東京合宿, 東京.

  266. 2017/3/31
    Japan-UK Workshop, Tokyo, Japan.
    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  267. 2017/3/30
    RIKEN Center for AIP, Generic Technology Research Group Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
    RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project.

  268. 2017/3/28
    医療ビッグデータ・コンソーシアム, 東京.

  269. 2017/3/24
    理化学研究所・革新知能統合研究センター発足記念シンポジウム, 東京.

  270. 2017/3/16
    第79回情報処理学会全国大会, 名古屋.

  271. 2017/3/14
    総務省シンポジウム, 東京.

  272. 2017/3/10
    東大先端研, 東京.

  273. 2017/3/9
    日経新聞AIシンポジウム, 東京.

  274. 2017/3/8
    内閣府「次世代インフラ戦略協議会」, 東京.

  275. 2017/3/3
    第17回IPABシンポジウム, 東京.

  276. 2017/2/20
    厚生労働省「保健医療分野におけるAI活用推進懇談会」, 東京.

  277. 2017/2/17
    半導体エネルギー研究所, 神奈川.

  278. 2017/2/16
    理研AICS-AIPワークショップ, 東京.

  279. 2017/2/14
    NTT経営企画部門研究会, 東京.

  280. 2017/2/1
    日経産業ハイブリッドフォーラム, 東京.

  281. 2017/1/30
    経団連未来・産業技術委員会, 東京.

  282. 2017/1/23
    文部科学省脳科学委員会:国際連携を見据えた戦略的脳科学研究推進に関する作業部会, 東京.

  283. 2017/1/20

  284. 2017/1/19
    Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP).

  285. 2017/1/18
    日本経済研究センター, 東京.

  286. 2017/1/13
    東芝 研究開発センター インタラクティブメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  287. 2016/12/23

  288. 2016/12/15
    第30回新世紀政経フォーラム, 東京.

  289. 2016/12/14

  290. 2016/12/1
    デジタルストラテジーセミナー, 東京.

  291. 2016/11/29
    日本学術会議情報学委員会・環境知能分科会公開シンポジウム:環境知能の時間軸, 東京.

  292. 2016/11/10
    自民党人工知能未来社会経済戦略本部, 東京.

  293. 2016/11/7
    筑波大学シンポジウム:人を支援するAI x ビッグデータで実現する「Society 5.0」, 東京.

  294. 2016/11/4
    Microsoft Research Asia Faculty Summit, Seoul, Korea.
    Recent advances in policy search approaches to reinforcement learning.

  295. 2016/10/25
    RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical Science Seminar, Saitama, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  296. 2016/10/19
    MATLAB EXPO 2016, 東京.

  297. 2016/10/14
    データサイエンティスト協会3rdシンポジウム, 東京.

  298. 2016/10/12
    東京大学社会連携研究部門開設シンポジウム, 東京.

  299. 2016/10/3
    STS Forum, Kyoto, Japan.
    AI research in Japan.

  300. 2016/9/22
    AIPキックオフミーティング, 東京.

  301. 2016/9/16
    RIKEN Brain Science Institute Retreat 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
    Introduction to Center for Advanced Integrated Intelligence Research.

  302. 2016/9/11
    科学技術と経済の会第85回本会議, 長野.

  303. 2016/9/9
    同友クラブ第5回理事会, 東京.

  304. 2016/9/1
    山口俊一議員サイエンスフォーラム, 東京.

  305. 2016/8/31
    ZMPフォーラム, 東京.

  306. 2016/8/26
    Asia-Pacific Enonophysics Conference 2016: Big Data Analysis and Modeling toward Super Smart Society (APEC-SSS2016), Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  307. 2016/8/11
    新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学」+ポスト京「脳と人工知能」合同ワークショップ, 神奈川.

  308. 2016/7/22
    国際高等研究所エジソンの会, 京都.

  309. 2016/7/7
    立石財団研究室訪問, 東京.

  310. 2016/6/14
    次世代産業ナビゲーターズフォーラム2016, 東京.

  311. 2016/6/10
    日本学術振興会産学協力委員会第181委員会, 東京.

  312. 2016/6/7
    第30回人工知能学会全国大会, 北九州.

  313. 2016/6/2
    First Korea-Japan Machine Learning Symposium, Seoul, Korea.
    Machine learning from weak supervision.

  314. 2016/5/5
    北海道大学湊真一先生科研費ミーティング, 東京.

  315. 2016/4/25
    第1回次世代の人工知能技術に関する合同シンポジウム, 東京.

  316. 2016/4/14
    自民党人工知能未来社会経済戦略本部, 東京.

  317. 2016/4/8
    Lecture at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan.
    Introduction to machine learning.

  318. 2016/2/22
    日本マイクロソフト株式会社 人工知能・機械学習の研究開発の最前線に関するラウンドテーブル, 東京.
    記事, 記事, 記事

  319. 2016/1/8
    東芝 研究開発センター インタラクティブメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  320. 2015/11/24
    日本学術会議 数理科学委員会数理統計学分科会シンポジウム「by機械学習,of機械学習」, 東京.

  321. 2015/11/6
    Frontiers in Data-Driven Science and Technology Workshop, Nagoya, Japan.
    Recent advances in learning from small data.

  322. 2015/10/28
    German-Japanese Workshop on Adaptive BCIs, Kyoto, Japan.
    Machine learning techniques for covariance matrices.

  323. 2015/9/24
    豊田工業大学ジョイントCSセミナー2015, 名古屋.

  324. 2015/8/6
    東京大学理学部オープンキャンパス2015, 東京.

  325. 2015/8/3
    ERATO河原林感謝祭2015, 東京.

  326. 2015/7/15
    東京大学 R2P Global Design Lecture, 東京.

  327. 2015/5/21
    Keynote talk at 19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2015), Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
    Direct change detection without identification.

  328. 2015/4/20
    トリケップス, 東京

  329. 2015/3/16

  330. 2015/3/13

  331. 2015/3/9

  332. 2015/3/6
    CRESTシンポジウム:機械知能とビッグデータ ,東京.

  333. 2015/1/29

  334. 2015/1/22-23

  335. 2014/12/24-25

  336. 2014/11/28

  337. 2014/11/21
    人工知能学会 AIチャレンジ研究会,横浜.

  338. 2014/7/31
    理化学研究所, 埼玉.
    Unsupervised change detection.

  339. 2014/7/10
    FIRST喜連川プロジェクトの報告とビッグデータの今後に関するシンポジウム, 東京.

  340. 2014/6/16
    2014 Machine Learning Summer School, Beijing, China.
    Unsupervised change detection.

  341. 2014/5/22
    応用統計学会2014年度年会, 東京.

  342. 2014/5/21
    Shonan Meeting on Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Kanagawa, Japan.
    Deep density-ratio estimation.

  343. 2014/3/24
    日本テクノセンター, 東京.

  344. 2014/3/19
    ノンパラメトリック統計解析とベイズ統計, 東京.

  345. 2014/2/24
    近畿化学協会 コンピュータ化学部会公開講演会, 大阪.

  346. 2014/2/6
    Japan-Britain Workshop on Big Data Research, Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning with density ratio estimation.

  347. 2013/12/17
    東芝 研究開発センター インタラクティブメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  348. 2013/11/29
    日本鉄鋼協会, 和歌山.

  349. 2013/11/24
    "Decisions" Area Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
    Development of machine learning theory for prediction and decision making and its realization with neural networks.

  350. 2013/11/22
    Tutorial at "Decisions" Area Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
    Change detection in multi-dimensional data.

  351. 2013/11/21
    東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻, 東京.

  352. 2013/11/5
    KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
    Change detection in multi-dimensional data.

  353. 2013/11/3
    Tutorial at International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2013), Daegu, Korea.
    Machine learning via density ratio estimation: algorithms and applications.

  354. 2013/10/29
    MATLAB Expo 2013, 東京.

  355. 2013/10/16
    Peking University, Beijing, China.
    Change detection in multi-dimensional data.

  356. 2013/10/15
    Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
    Machine learning with density ratio estimation.

  357. 2013/9/27
    Tenth Anniversary Symposium, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA.
    Machine learning with density ratio estimation.

  358. 2013/9/26
    University of Toronto, Torongo, Canada.
    Machine learning with density ratio estimation.

  359. 2013/8/5-6
    2013 Sapporo Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications to Biology (MLAB Sapporo 2013), Sapporo, Japan.
    Change detection in multi-dimensional data: From distributional change to structural change.

  360. 2013/6/28
    さきがけオフ会, 東京.

  361. 2013/6/26
    情報処理学会 連続セミナー2013 ビッグデータの深化と真価, 東京.

  362. 2013/6/13
    第19回画像センシングシンポジウム(SSII2013), 横浜.

  363. 2013/5/21
    JSAE-SICE合同研究会, 東京.

  364. 2013/4/25
    オムロン, 京都.

  365. 2013/4/24
    京都大学医学部附属病院精神科神経科, 京都.

  366. 2013/3/20
    University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
    Density ratio estimation in machine learning.

  367. 2013/3/20
    VALO Research and Trading, Helsinki, Finland.
    Density ratio estimation in machine learning.

  368. 2013/3/18
    Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
    Divergence estimation for machine learning.

  369. 2013/3/6
    名古屋工業大学, 名古屋.

  370. 2013/2/26
    NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所, 京都.

  371. 2013/2/22
    Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
    Density ratio estimation in machine learning.

  372. 2012/12/17
    東芝 研究開発センター インタラクティブメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  373. 2012/12/14

  374. 2012/11/18
    "Decisions" Area Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
    Development of machine learning theory for prediction and decision making and its realization with neural networks.

  375. 2012/11/8
    JSTシンポジウム, 東京

  376. 2012/9/28-29
    計測自動制御学会プラントモデリング研究会, 三島.

  377. 2012/9/25
    Tutorial at BBCI Summer School 2012, Berlin, Germany.
    Density ratio estimation in machine learning.

  378. 2012/9/7
    Tutorial at 21st Machine Learning Summer School 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
    Density ratio estimation in machine learning.

  379. 2012/8/8
    北海道大学, 大学院情報科学研究科, コンピュータサイエンス専攻, 札幌.

  380. 2012/8/6-7
    2012 Sapporo Workshop on Machine Learning and Applications to Biology (MLAB Sapporo 2012), Sapporo, Japan.
    Recent advances in divergence estimation: Theory, algorithm, and application.

  381. 2012/6/18
    "Decisions" Area Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
    Development of machine learning theory for prediction and decision making and its realization with neural networks.

  382. 2012/6/11
    慶應義塾大学, 物理情報工学科, 足立研究室.

  383. 2012/4/25

  384. 2012/4/13
    SICE制御部門第3回プラントモデリング・ 第12回適応学習制御合同シンポジウム, 東京.

  385. 2012/4/12
    SICE制御部門第3回プラントモデリング・ 第12回適応学習制御合同シンポジウム 交流セッション, 東京.

  386. 2012/3/9
    「予測と意思決定」領域会議, 東京.

  387. 2012/2/17
    第2回IPABセミナー/臨床医学情報とデータマイニング, 東京.

  388. 2012/1/27
    最先端研究開発プロジェクト研究会, 東京.

  389. 2012/1/25
    INRIA Lille (hosted by Dr. Remi Munos), Lille, France.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  390. 2012/1/24
    Ecole Normale Superieure (hosted by Dr. Francis Bach), Paris, France.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  391. 2012/1/23
    Mines ParisTech (hosted by Dr. Jean-Philippe Vert), Paris, France.
    New methods of probabilistic classification and information-maximization clustering.

  392. 2012/1/12
    IBISML研究会チュートリアル, 東京.

  393. 2011/12/20
    東芝 研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  394. 2011/12/10
    Empirical Inference Symposium, Tuebingen, Germany.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  395. 2011/12/2
    データサイエンスロボティクス研究会, 東京.

  396. 2011/11/22

  397. 2011/11/17
    National Taiwan University (hosted by Prof. Chih-Jen Lin), Taipei, Taiwan.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  398. 2011/11/16
    National Cheng Kung University (led by Prof. Jen-Tzung Chien), Tainan, Taiwan.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  399. 2011/11/8
    「予測と意思決定」グループ会議, 奈良.

  400. 2011/10/21
    SICEセミナー, 大阪.

  401. 2011/10/7
    PRMU研究会パネルディスカッション, 東京
    Webスケール時代のパターン認識(データ処理)の展望, (USTREAM動画).

  402. 2011/10/2
    "Decisions" Area Meeting, Okinawa, Japan.
    Development of machine learning theory for prediction and decision making and its realization with neural networks.

  403. 2011/9/15
    北海道大学, 大学院情報科学研究科, コンピュータサイエンス専攻, 札幌.

  404. 2011/8/23
    ERATO湊離散構造処理系プロジェクト, 北海道大学, 札幌.

  405. 2011/8/12
    Yahoo! Research, USA.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  406. 2011/7/21
    ATR脳情報解析研究所 (ホスト:佐藤雅昭博士), 京都.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  407. 2011/7/5
    Department of Media Analytics (led by Dr. Kai Yu), NEC Laboratories America, USA.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  408. 2010/12/22
    東芝 研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  409. 2010/12/1
    富士通研究所, 川崎.

  410. 2010/11/30
    GCOEシンポジウム, 東京.

  411. 2010/11/25
    理工系女性研究者プロモーションプログラム 合同研究発表会, 東京.

  412. 2010/11/24
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  413. 2010/10/12
    ソニー, 東京.

  414. 2010/10/4
    グーグル, 東京.
    確率密度比を用いた新しい機械学習アルゴリズム, (YouTube動画).

  415. 2010/9/20
    Yahoo, Barcelona, Spain.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  416. 2010/9/14
    Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  417. 2010/9/13
    Machine Learning / Intelligent Data Analysis Group (led by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Müller), Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  418. 2010/8/3
    (財)科学技術交流財団研究会, 名古屋.

  419. 2010/8/2
    名古屋工業大学, 名古屋.

  420. 2010/7/20
    NEC共通基盤ソフトウェア研究所, 川崎.

  421. 2010/7/15
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  422. 2010/6/14-15
    情報論的学習理論と機械学習研究会, 東京.

  423. 2010/6/7
    システム制御情報学会チュートリアル, 大阪.

  424. 2010/5/25
    SICEセミナー, 東京.

  425. 2010/4/26
    Machine Learning Lunch Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning. (mp4 movie).

  426. 2010/4/21
    NECソフト, 東京.

  427. 2010/3/8
    Statistical Experiment and Its Related Topics研究会, 京都大学数理解析研究所, 京都.

  428. 2010/1/19
    東芝 研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  429. 2009/12/21
    第21期日本学術会議 総合工学委員会・機械工学委員会 合同計算科学シミュレーションと工学設計分科会 心と脳など新しい領域検討小委員会, 東京.

  430. 2009/12/3
    CompView GCOE Symposium, 東京.

  431. 2009/12/1
    脳科学研究戦略推進プログラム データベース分科会, 京都.

  432. 2009/11/27
    Keihanna Talk (Host: Dr. Kiyonori Ohtake), NICT, Kyoto, Japan.
    Density ratio estimation: a new versatile tool for machine learning.

  433. 2009/11/26
    奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 松本研究室, 奈良.

  434. 2009/11/17
    NECソフト, 東京.

  435. 2009/11/10
    東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 数理情報学専攻 山西・鹿島研究室, 東京.

  436. 2009/11/5
    LAMDA group, Nanjing University (hosted by Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou), Nanjing, China.
    Active learning for regression: Algorithms and applications.

  437. 2009/11/2-4
    Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML2009), Nanjing, China.
    Density ratio estimation: A new versatile tool for machine learning.

  438. 2009/10/16
    自然言語処理合同研究会, 東京.

  439. 2009/6/25
    Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development, Tokyo, Japan.
    Methods and application of density ratio estimation.

  440. 2009/5/21
    NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所, 厚木.

  441. 2009/5/15
    NECソフト, 東京.

  442. 2009/3/25
    NEC共通基盤ソフトウェア研究所, 川崎.

  443. 2009/3/4
    東芝 研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  444. 2009/2/23
    ヤマハ, 静岡.

  445. 2009/2/20
    JFE技研, 川崎.

  446. 2008/12/16
    Tutorial at IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM2008), (together with Dr. Wei Fan), Pisa, Italy.
    Sample selection bias---covariate shift: Problems, solutions, and applications.

  447. 2008/11/28
    統計数理研究所 (ホスト:松井知子教授), 東京.

  448. 2008/11/21
    大阪大学, データ科学特別セミナー (ホスト:狩野裕教授), 大阪.

  449. 2008/11/17
    東京大学 情報基盤センター (ホスト:中川裕志教授), 東京.

  450. 2008/11/12
    京都大学, システム科学専攻 (ホスト:田中利幸教授), 京都.

  451. 2008/11/5
    IBM, 東京基礎研究所, 準連携記念講演会, 神奈川.

  452. 2008/10/30
    情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(IBIS2008), 仙台.

  453. 2008/8/29
    Google, Tokyo, Japan.
    Machine learning under changing environment, (YouTube movie).

  454. 2008/7/11
    Microsoft Institute for Japanese Academic Research Collaboration (IJARC) Collaborative Research Project (CORE) Review Meeting, Beijing, China.
    Machine learning under changing environment.

  455. 2008/5/9
    東北大学, 情報数物研究会(ホスト:田中和之教授), 仙台.

  456. 2008/4/29
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (hosted by Dr. Naoki Abe), Yorktown, NY, USA.
    Importance-weighting techniques for covariate shift adaptation and beyond.

  457. 2008/4/28
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (hosted by Dr. Wei Fan), Hawthorne, NY, USA.
    Importance-weighting techniques for covariate shift adaptation and beyond.

  458. 2008/1/24
    東芝 研究開発センター マルチメディアラボラトリー, 川崎.

  459. 2008/1/21
    ニコン, 東京.

  460. 2007/11/22
    ATR脳情報研究所 (ホスト:神谷之康博士), 京都.
    Covariate shift adaptation: Supervised learning when training and test inputs have different distributions.

  461. 2007/9/24-26

  462. Machine Learning Research Group (led by Prof. Tobias Scheffer), Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, Saarbrücken, Germany.
    Active learning with model selection in linear regression.
    Covariate shift adaptation: Supervised learning when training and test inputs have different distributions.

  463. 2007/9/19
    Department of Empirical Inference for Machine Learning and Perception (led by Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf), Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany.
    Active learning with model selection in linear regression.

  464. 2007/9/13
    Joint Machine Learning Seminars (hosted by Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
    Covariate shift adaptation: Supervised learning when training and test inputs have different distributions.

  465. 2007/9/12
    (hosted by Dr. Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela), Applied Games Group, Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
    Active learning with model selection in linear regression, (movie).

  466. 2007/8/28
    Machine Learning / Intelligent Data Analysis Group (led by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Müller), Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
    Active learning with model selection in linear regression.

  467. 2007/8/20
    ICML2007勉強会読む会, 東京.

  468. 2007/8/10
    キャノン, 東京.

  469. 2007/4/20
    T-PRIMALセミナー, 東京.

  470. 2007/1/26
    NIPS2006読む会, 東京.
    Mixture regression for covariate shift.

  471. 2006/11/17
    IBM, 東京基礎研究所, 神奈川.

  472. 2006/9/28
    Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour (Director: Prof. Dr. Sethu Vijayakumar), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
    Value function approximation on non-linear manifolds in reinforcement learning.

  473. 2006/9/15
    Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) Group (led by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Müller), Fraunhofer-FIRST, Berlin, Germany.
    Dimensionality reduction of mutimodal labeled data by local Fisher discriminant analysis.

  474. 2006/7/29
    ICML2006読む会, 横浜.
    Local Fisher discriminant analysis for supervised dimensionality reduction.

  475. 2006/3/20
    The Edinburgh Machine Learning Group, Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation (Director: Prof. Dr. Chris Williams), School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
    Regression under covariate shift.

  476. 2006/2/23
    東京大学, 大学院新領域創成科学研究科, 複雑理工学専攻, 岡田研究室, 柏, 千葉.

  477. 2006/2/16
    産業技術総合研究所, 生命情報科学研究センター (主催: 津田宏治博士), 東京.

  478. 2006/1/24
    北海道大学, 大学院情報科学研究科, コンピュータサイエンス専攻, 数理計算科学講座, 札幌.

  479. 2005/10/6
    奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 論理生命学分野石井信教授), 奈良.

  480. 2005/9/5
    Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) Group (led by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Müller), Fraunhofer-FIRST, Berlin, Germany.
    Active learning in approximately linear regression.

  481. 2004/12/7
    東京工業大学 学習研究会セミナー, 東京.

  482. 2003/6/13
    山口大学 地域共同研究開発センター 研究協力会メディアネットワーク部会講演会, 山口.

  483. 2003/4/2-3

  484. Department of Empirical Inference for Machine Learning and Perception, (led by Prof. Dr. B. Schölkopf), Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany.
    Functional analytic theories of active learning and beyond.
    Functional analytic approach to model selection.

  485. 2003/3/24-4/1

  486. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (hosted by Prof. Bernt Schiele), Zürich, Switzerland.
    Theories of learning and their applications to signal and image processing.
    Functional analytic approach to model selection.
    Theory of active learning and beyond.

  487. 2002/4/10
    理化学研究所 脳科学総合研究センター 甘利研究室, 和光.
    Small sample model selection for non-linear kernel machines に向けて.

  488. 2001/8/6
    東京工業大学 脳研究セミナー, 東京.
    Generalization error estimation and determination of regularization parameter.

  489. 2001/1/12
    博士論文発表会, 東京工業大学 計算工学専攻, 東京.
    A theory of model selection and active learning for supervised learning.

  490. 2000/9/2-4
    Young Statisticians' Group サマースクール2000, 神奈川.

  491. 2000/6/7
    慶応義塾大学 理工学部 数理科学科 柴田研究室 セミナー発表, 横浜.
    Model selection with small samples.

  492. 2000/5/2
    Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) Group (led by Prof. Dr. K.-R. Müller), GMD-FIRST, Berlin, Germany.
    A new model selection criterion for optimal generalization.

  493. 1999/12/10
    第10回東京工業大学脳研究シンポジウム, 東京.
    Active learning for optimal generalization.

杉山将 (sugi [at] k.u-tokyo.ac.jp)